• Smashbox Studios (map)
  • 8549 Higuera St
  • Culver City, CA 90232

The return of the very popular Instagram Jam, originally conceived by photographer Shaughn Crawford. Instagram Jam features the photography of well-known and obscure photographers using Instagram to share their work. Month of Photo LA, a signature program of the Lucie Foundation, presents the 8th annual festival and is delighted to announce installment number four of Instagram Jam, a curated print and projected exhibition featuring unique and interesting Instagrammers.

Participating Photographers include:

Brendan Meadows @lionrind

Callie Giovanna @calliegiovanna

Danielle Levitt @daniellelevitt

David La Spina @bigbabygenius

Frank Ockenfels 3 @fwo3 & Cooper Ockenfels @cooper.ockenfels

Harry Eelman @harryeelman

Hawkeye Huey @hawkeyehuey

Justin Fantl @fantl

Josh Wool @joshwool

Matt Harbicht @mattharbicht

Ryan Pfluger @ryanpfluger

Sacha Lecca @sachalecca

Tierney Gearon @tierneygearon

Trevor Traynor @trevortraynor

Jesse Lirola @jesselirola

Also on view is Pro'jekt LA Part Three of MOPLA's projection series, featuring artists who were selected through an OPEN CALL on Instagram. The selected photographs aim to represent the intersection of the LA photo community and the social media community used to share and access it.

ADHESIVE & CO is a creative agency and community builder that provides a unique approach to industry functions, reviving face-to-face social networking. 

Hosted by Smashbox Studios and Industrial Color. 

On view through April 30, 2016.
