• #SVLA1 Screen on the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles (map)
  • 901 West Olympic Boulevard
  • Los Angeles, CA, 90015
  • United States

April 16 - 22: Global Culture

Featuring work by Alia Ali, Barnabas Toth, Emily Garthwaite, Laura Stevens, and Laure d'Utruy.

For the month of April StandardVision has partnered with Month of Photography Los Angeles to present the work of both local and global photographers. Featuring the work of a common theme each week, Month of Photography Los Angeles aims to expose the public to the diversity of photography.  This exhibition was curated from submissions to MOPLA’s annual Open Call.

The program will be on view from April 1 - 30, with photographic selections showing multiple times every hour throughout each day. 

StandardVision's SV Showcase program aims to present the work of emerging and established artists in a site-specific month long exhibition turned installation on the #SVLA1 screen on the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. StandardVision’s goal is to encourage audiences to participate with art in a new outdoor exhibition experience, and present curated contemporary art programming to the public.

Artists Include: 
Alena Zhandarova, Alia Ali, Andrea Tejeda, Angie Smith, Barnabas Toth, Charles Xelot, Deepi Ahluwalia, Emily Berl, Emily Garthwaite, James Porschen, Laura Stevens, Laure d’Utruy, Melodie McDaniel, Michele Palazzi, Michelle Groskopf, Niv Rozenberg, Rana Young, Reuben Wu, Tracie Williams, and Yiwan Zhang. 

About SV Creative
StandardVision Creative is an artistic division of the architecturally-integrated media façade company StandardVision. SV Creative makes and curates art and cultural content showcased on LED media facades around the world. Our primary goal is to develop a heightened cultural discourse through our outdoor exhibition spaces—generating new outlets to expose the public eye to the arts.

Image © Alia Ali
