• Venice Arts (map)
  • 13445 Beach Avenue
  • Marina del Rey, CA, 90292
  • United States

Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards: 
Initiated in November 2012 by Aperture Foundation and Paris Photo, the Paris Photo–Aperture Foundation PhotoBook Awards celebrate the photobook’s contribution to the evolving narrative of photography, with three major categories: First PhotoBook, PhotoBook of the Year, and Photography Catalogueof the Year. The exhibition celebrates the shortlisted titles from the PhotoBook Awards.

MOPLA Photo Book Exhibition: 
The MOPLA Photo Book Exhibition is a juried, submission-based exhibition featuring both independently and commercially published books by emerging and established photographers around the world.

Participating Artists Include: 
AJ Heath, Alessio Zemoz, Allison Stewart, Andreas Tschersich, Ave Pildas, Berkay Tezcan, Bing Nv, Brandon Thibodeaux,  Bryan Thomas, Clara de Tezanos, Dan Lopez, De Kwok, Elena Kholkina, Fran Antmann, Frank Hamrick, Goran Turnšek, Agata Grzybowska, Guilherme Bergamini, Ivan Clemente, Jacek Kolodziejski, Jadwiga Bronte, Jerry Dantzic and Grayson Dantzici, Jessica Haye, Julie Weber, Kishor Krishnamoorthi, Kris Vervaeke, Lisa McCarty, Ludmila Ketslakh, Maija Tammi, Manda Quevedo, Marcelo Masagao, Mario Lalau, Marion Belanger, Mike Callaghan, Nancy Edelstein, Natalia Baluta, Nathan Pearce, Ofir Barak, Robert Pufleb and Nadine Schlieper, Sarah Pollman, Svetlana Biryukova, Tatiana Cedillo, Yorgos Yatromanolakis.

Exhibition on view through April 27, 2018. 

